
Sunday 2 August 2009

Sunday 5th July - Hampton Court Palace

Hampton Court Palace. Former home of Henry VIII. It was fun :)

On the way there we saw a sign by a church that said "There's probably no bus, so come and enjoy God" LOL. It was next to a busstop. That busstop is known for ALWAYS being missed by busdrivers because hardly anyone wants to get off in that estate hahaha.

Our GPS took us down some country road, meaning we were driving about like fools for about an hour before finding the ACTUAL way to Hampton Court, but oh well.

I met a guy who works there called Ian Franklin who told me all about ghosts and stuff, and is known in the Parapsychology community as being a very good referance when looking for work. He said that he'd send me a letter saying he's talked to me and it convinced I am genuinley intrigued by the paranormal blah blah blah. Basically I'm going to get my first referance to universitary already :D

Can't wait ^^

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