
Sunday 2 August 2009

Holiday to England (The journey there)

Woke up at 6:30. Left 10 minutes late at 7:25 to go to the vets for some vaccine that the dogs had to have to cross the borders.
Everyone was squashed in the car, I couldn't move my legs at all xD

Practised my french a little, seeing as we'd be going through 3 countries where you must speak french if you need help and can't speak dutch (France, Holland and Belgium).

Estimated time of arrival in Hamburg: 14:46.

My camera batteries were dead, so I had to wait till we got to Denmark to take photos so that Mark could go buy some more X_X
There were SO may lorries about, it was weirdly scary diving next to them all. It felt like you could be squashed at any moment D:

I slept all the way to Varberg haha.
We got to Denmark at 14:30 after crossing a bridge where there were windmills IN THE SEA. Why?!

Estimated time of arrival in Hamburg: 15:30.

Mark swapped with my mum once we reached Denmark so that she could rest from driving, but it didn't last long - after an hour or two when we reached a second toll bridge she swapped back cause he kept drifting from side to side in his lane O.O

Estimated time of arrival in Hamburg: 19:30

We then spent half an hour looking out the windows for any signs of a petrol station as we were running out FAST. We found one, and subsequently topped up on gas. I then insisted we listen to Michael Jackson for a bit, so my mum put in my MJ CD, only to take it out again after 2 songs because she found his voice annoying. Pfft.

We reached the Danish/German border at 19:35. Everyone was tired and wanting to eat tea, so we stopped off and ate.

Estimated time of arrival in Hamburg: 21:30.

When on the final leg of today's journey, we past a field that smelt SO bad, even though the windows were up and the AC was on, you could STILL smell it. THIS IS WHY I HATE PIGS.

We got to Hamburg at 22:30, almost 8 hours after our initial arrival time, because we had to drive at max 100kmph on the motorways and shit because we had a trailer, so we got absolutely no time to see the city, we just had to go straight to sleep, although, the campsite we were stayingat was SHITE. It was horrific.

Mam woke us up at 4:30 this morning because she HATED the place we were staying. She couldn't sleep because it was annoying her so much, so after a few hours she woke everyone up and we set off about 4 hours earlier than planned XD We left at 5.

By 9:00 our estimated time of arrival in Calais (to get the ferry to Dover) was 14:00.

I tried playing "I Spy" with Mark, but when it was his turn to choose, he chose things that no one could ever have got, so I gave up and told him he failed.

The radio stations in Holland are great - just like in England haha. we had loads of fun listening to random Dutch music, and listening to the news was also a laugh :P

I slept for a bit before getting to Belgium at 13:17.

We reached France at 16:15. Time of arrival in Calais: 16:54.
I love France. I changed my mind from all those Anti-French things, it's beautiful. I'd love to go on holiday there.

We reached Calais at 17:01, so were able to get the 18:00 crossing instead of the planned 19:00 crossing, which was good. It was fun being able to see both France and England at the same time in the middle of the English Channel.

We landed in England at 18:37 Local time (19:37 Swedish time), so although the crossing took 1½ hours, we only actually lost 30 mins ;]

We drove past a sign for Ramsgate (LOL <3) and were at Mark's parent's house by 8:45pm :)

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