
Thursday 4 June 2009


So today I had another Entrance Exam, this time for ITGymnasiet in Skövde. We had to leave at like, 7:15 'cause we were going to pick up mam's friend Claudia before we went there, and it takes about, 1:30hrs to get to Skövde in the first place, so no sleep in morning for me D:
We got there at like, 8:50, and it started at 9:00. The whole thing, (2 English tests, 1 Maths test & an interveiw) was finished by 10:30 haha. Then mam and Claudia came and picked me up, and instead of going back to school to be bored we went shopping :D

We went to about.. 20 shops. Literally. And I got a dress for Skolavslutning ^^ It's like, a pale orange halter neck. Really nice.. :P

And I finally got new Converse! the Union Jack ones I said I was getting were discontinued, so they don't make them anymore -.- Fucking sucks. But now I have one pair of white and one pair of Black Converse (They're not proper converse, but who cares, they look the same so all's good ^^)
My back fucking kills now, but oh well xD

School again tomorrow though, I hope we have no tests, I've done enough to last a life time this week D:

Everyone should come to our Skolavslutning next friday by the way (Obviously this is aimed at people who are NOT in 9blå). It's at Torsbohallen in Trollhättan, starts at like, 10:00, but if anyone needs a lift there, I'm sure mam can supply one.

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