
Thursday 11 June 2009

"Ninja Of Love"

Wow. Rain + Canal + Clothes = fun.
Trust me.

Yesterday me, Lindell and Isak decided it would be fun to go swimmin in the canal. In the rain. Fully clothed. Oh yes, it's true.
Aside from it being fucking freezeing, it was pretty damn fun.

And afterwards, Zakarias got to see Lindell in only wet underpants when he went looking for the phone in Zak's room hahaha. Qoute from Zak: "..What's with the gay shit?".

I got to stay at Isak's till long after Lindell left, watching "Mad TV", "Paris Hiltons BFF", "Mommy's Boy" and a movie called Blue something-or-other (I can't remember the whole name) which I'd seen before, but was still pretty good, until about 11pm when his dad got home and offered to drop me at my place.

All in all, a top notch day :)

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