
Thursday 4 June 2009

Kingdom Hearts 3 [Contains Spoilers]


I just saw the intro for Kingdom Hearts 3 Click here to see it ....It looks like absolute shit.

Seriously, it's only coming out for the Playstation 3 [FAIL!!] The guy in the intro is no one who's been on the games before [Fail.] The guy being frozen looks remotely like Roxas, but no one is sure [Fail.] and the girl is.. WHO? [Fail.]

Square Enix, you've fucked us for the last time.

I've been waiting for this game since I got the second one when it came out, and now they're arse-fucking everyone by saying you can't buy it on anything but PS3?
That's dumb.
So you're telling me I have to fork out a shit load for a PS3 which, frankly, is shit compared to most other consoles, takes up loads of space, and for which you pay more for the other features that I wouldn't even use [t.ex Photo storage] JUST TO PLAY ONE FREAKING GAME?!
And on top of that, once I have it, I can't play the first two on it, so I have to keep my PS2..

Now, you might say that if I was a *true* Kingdom Hearts fan I'd spare the pain and buy it anyway, but no. Not this time. this is dumb. It would be different if maybe the PS3 could play PS2 games, because then it's be like upgrading rather than buying a whole new console, but that's not how it is, so why should I give money to and support Sony when they've completely turned me upside down in a pile of shit and held me there?


Final Fantasy still sucks.

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