
Saturday 3 October 2009


I'm really no good at keeping everything updated u_u

Yesterday I bleached my hair. I've decided that I'm going to bleach it untill it's blonde/white and THEN colour, instead of being lazy and only doing it once and subsequently failing.

As my hair was multi-coloured beforehand, it's not made a HUGE difference like it did last time I bleached, but it's noticable. My hair is now blonde at the roots, then ginger, then light brown with light green bits, so yeah haha.

Mum was going to cut my hair today, but she wasn't feeling well, so she's going to do it tomorrow instead if she's feeling better, which I hope she is. It's going to be layered anbd my fringe is going to be trimmed aswell hopefully. It started to grow out and is really annoying to handle.

Other than that, not a lot to mention. I passed both my English Phonetics test with MVG (Top of 3 grades, for you non-swedes), just about, which was a supprise seeing as I didn't understand a thing.
I also passed my Biology Ecology test with MVG, this time with only 2 points off full marks (Because I forgot some scientific names) wich I was well chuffed with, so yeah.

Peaceout. x

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