
Thursday 24 September 2009

Woot! Royal Mail ftw!

Haven't really had a lot to say, so..

Been a good few days recently! Tuesday I had a headache pretty bad, so was out of school. It kinda sucked cause I missed history and Psychology, which are ace lessons, but all was well anyway. Was feeling much better by bedtime, and even got a day playing Tomb Raider.

Wednesday was a study day, so no school then either (It was like a mid-week-weekend!)
spent the whole day playing Kingdom Hearts none-stop (I shit you not), even when prayer group was round, I just garried on bashing stuff with my keyblade :P

Today was alright in school, we had no english and therefore had 2 and a half hours to do nothing, which was pretty boring, but when I got home, there was a City shirt, jacket and pen waiting for me which'd come straight from the City of Manchester Stadium Shop itself, so I was well happy about that.
The shirt's class, it's a better matierial (Feels a little bit like cotton on the outside but.. it's not. It's soft, basically, while being usual footie-shirt material on the inside). It looks really good, and both the shirt and jacket are high quality, so I'm hoping they'll last me a while!

Tomorrow there's a Wallplant gig at Paradisskolan //Trollhattan. BE THERE OR BE SQUARE!!
19.00 it starts, free entry.
Hope to see you all there ;]


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