
Sunday 11 October 2009


..All my troubles seem so faaaar away!

Yesterday Karina was back in Trollhättan for the weekend, so I decided to go meet her, along with a few other people that were asking to se me (Like Amanda xD). I also met her friend Kalle who came with her from Lund :)

IT WAS SO FUN. When I first turned up, I got off the bus to be completely jumped on by Karina haha. I met Kalle and another kid called Anders who was just tagging along for the hell of it. We started to go to the highstreet, and were jumped on by Matte, Amanda and a few other friends of Karinas. Met Andreas and Filip later on at like, 2 or something.

We didn't actually do a whole lot, just sitting and talking and crap, but it was good to just hang out with people again. and Kalle was really nice :)

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