
Wednesday 2 September 2009


Long time no writing.
Since the last entry, qhuite a lot of little things have happened.

First off, for the last week and a bit, mum's been in England. This means free run of the house from end of school till 19:30 every day. LEGEND!
On the other hand, it means I have to cook and tidy and all that jazz, which is really annoying since I have stuff like homework to do too :(

Also, I've fially got a diagnosis - I have Autism. they don't know what type of Autism it is yet, they only know that I have it. I had to go for more tests, but my last one was yesterday, after filling in some questionaire, they said I don't have to come back again for the forseeable future, which is all good. It means no missing history lessons again.

After starting school in Uddevalla, Henrik got a laptop. That means more online activity from him (Ending up in me using Mafia Wars.....) Which, overall, is pretty damn good. I'm well pleased. Ta love ^^

We also had IB camp at Sjöhaga. There's not really much to say about that other than we sat up by the fire by the lake untill about 2am in the morning. Well, 8 of us did, the rest went off earlier. They were smart.
Saying that, we were all pretty much 100% awake at 7am when we had to get up after just 5 hours sleep. It was well good.

Henrik's supposed to be coming round on friday, providing he's allowed after his antics on monday. His mum got pissed at him because he decided to.. wrestle the cat..
..Yeah..... Anyway, I'm going to find out if he's allowed or not some time today. Hoping he can!

&& The Beautiful Mess are no longer :(
Jordan has a new band (Him, Thomas and Tobbe). They've got a gig on friday saturday which I'm almost deffinatly at, so I shall report back on the potential epicness of this new band (No name chosen as of 2nd September).

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