
Friday 15 May 2009

Part of the queue

Long time no speak.

Not a lot's happened recently. The last three days after school I've met up with Isak, and it's been really really fun. I mean, this guy is amazing. There's no words to describe it.

We had theme week as well, althought it was only 3 days but oh well haha. On tuesday I got to watch Karina die at the gym, "Friskis och Svettis", which was quite funny, and Andreas managed to end up on the floor with one of those gym bikes on top of him in front of everyone, which was hilarious. He then went on to say the next day that Florida was a country, so he's been having a good week.

I got some things in the post today and yesterday too, which was quite unexpected. I got a DVD ("The Lee Evans XL tour") and three books ("Sid Vicious; No one is innocent", "Rock'n'Roll star" & "My booky wook") so I can't wait to start reading/watching them.


1 comment:

Nanny Rita said...

Your language is most profane. I hope Isak doesn't think all english girls use language like that!!lol nanny xxxxxx