
Tuesday 26 October 2010

It's a new dawn, it's a new day


Well, it's been a year and 3 days since I last posted in my blog. I guess a week or so isn't too bad-a gap,l but a year? I should be ashamed! m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ
It was Vicki that decided I should start a blog (or, re-start this one), which I didn't think was too bad an idea. \(--)/ マイッタ

The last few days I've had ideas for a "book" brewing in my head, and yesterday I actually started writing it. Lets hope this one actually goes somewhere and doesn't get left unfinished like my last one (which, while on the topic, I should really start writing again, it wasn't all that bad!). Lets hope I finish it and it becomes a hit!

Anyway, enough for now, I've been using the last few hours to edit this layout, which has given me a right headache ☆⌒(>。≪)イタイ So now I'm going to go and have a lie down and a sandwich. I'm STARVING.

P.S. I've kept all my old Blogspot posts so that if any of you (for whatever reason) should feel the need to go through them, they are at your disposal!

Goodnight all!

1 comment:

nanny said...

its lovely to see you have restarted your blog mouse. I like your posts and love hearing what you are up to and what plans you have for your future. Writing a book is a good idea and I would be the first to buy a copy when it hits the shops lol Good luck in whatever you do and loads of love from nanny xxxxx