
Wednesday 27 October 2010

Luwam and Halat

About an hour ago (6.30pm-ish), Luwam posted on Facebook to say she was happy cause she'd never stayed in school and studied so long.

Half an hour later she posted again saying "jag och halat har låst inne oss i skolan vi kommer inte hem vi har låst in alla våra grejjer i ett rum nu finns det inga lärare kvar i skolan min mobil allt är där vi kommer inte hem HAHAHAHAHAHA"
("Me and Halat have locked ourselves in school we won't come home we've locked in all our stuff in a room and there's no teachers left in school my mobile everything is there we can't get home HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA")

I swear to god, I nearly DIED of laughter. About 20 minutes later a teacher came apparently, maybe someone rang them, maybe not, but it was worth being logged onto Facebook to see!

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