
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Time to update!

So after not having blogged in almost a month I decided it was time to pull my finger out and write something, so here I am.

Today I spent almost 5 hours (if not longer) watching one single documentary, pausing every few seconds to scribble down the next fact to be able to write my Extended Essay. I used almost 50 post-it notes in various colours (for each different subject) and now my thumb is killing me, but on the other hand, it's a good days work!

I also rang a man about a horse and have finally sorted out a summer job (or just a general job). I have my interview on friday at 5pm in a dog park on the other side of Vara. Don't ask. but hopefully I'll be able to work some times during the school term too, so I should be able to save a little money towards whatever my latest MUST HAVE item is (currently Magic: The Gathering cards :P

Other than that, not much to report.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Royal Wedding moaning

Every single person who is complaining about the royal wedding costing so much when we could use it for better things (like third world countries, starving children etc) can stick it, misery guts. It makes me really angry to see some of the comments people are leaving on FB.

Amount of money spent annually on cosmetics in the United States: $8 billion. Amount of money spent each year on pet food in Europe and the United States: $17 billion.
-Carlos Dourado

Do YOU own a pet? Do YOU use make up (or any partners you may have)? So not only are you a misery guts, you're a hypocrite. Thanks for clearing that up!
Yes, the money could have been used for better things but did you say the same thing when Diana was married? What about when she died? Her funeral must have cost a lot. How about the Olympic Stadium that's currently being built?

They very well could of aired the wedding on a pay per view channel and donated the money to a charity.
-Vanessa Avalos

The wedding should have been pay-to-view with money going to charity? I bet you will watch the olympics. And I bet you'd watch the World cup, or Eurovision. Oh no wait, you're AMERICAN. That must suck, having such sour grapes over not really being able to join in the celebrations. Naww. How about we make it pay-per-view next time you get a new president, shall we? That'd make it sort of fair, apart fromt he fact a royal wedding only happens once every, shall we say, 20-30 years or so?

A marriage nowadays is a contract between the man and woman coming together with the controllers and the illusion the state. The illusion must be maintained otherwise the king is seen to be naked.
-John Mathieson

I think this is bloody disgraceful. Diana only met Charles about 10 times before they got married. Kate and Wills have been together for almost a decade. I bet you celebrated Dianas wedding. I bet one day you'll get married to your partner, is that only a "Contract between the man and woman together with the controllers and the state"? I'll know to not bother congratulating you then.

To be honest, if you all care so much about the New World Order or starving children, you'd all be giving every spare penny to the charities, or even better, working out there yourself. Anyone can sit at home in their nice comfy chair sat on their new computer with 3G internet and post on Facebook that the Royal wedding is a disgrace, but to be honest you're all as bad as eachother, you're all hypocrites and you're all misery guts.
The royal wedding was not about publicity nor making money, nor was it two people making a contract with "The controllers" whoever these controllers may be, it was about a man and a woman, who loved eachother and had been together for almost a decade, committing themselves to a lifetime with each other and the only reason it was so big was because one of them happened to be the son of the future king of England. I bet you anything that to Kathrine, William is not "Prince William of Wales" but just Wills, and that's all there is to it.

Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Day After

Yesterday was mums birthday. I made a chicken pie and a rich Death By Chocolate cake, both of which tasted fantastic (if I do say so myself), but this morning I feel terrible. I don't know if it was the food or the tiny bit of wine I drank but my stomach hurts so much!
Just as he left, Jens said he felt the same so I don't think it's a bug (unless it's something I caught from him last night) so we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Monday 11 April 2011


Tele2 suck. I put money on my phone almost an hour and a half ago and I still haven't gotten an sms saying that my phone has been topped up yet. I still can't send messages!

Sunday 10 April 2011

No Ordinary Family..

..Is so good!
I have just finished episode 12 (Season 1) and just can't stop.
The story revolves around a family who's plane crashlands in a lake in a Brazilian jungle and who, upon returning home, find out they have developed superpowers. Each episode is another slice of their life as they try to keep their powers a secret while leading normal lives.
It's not cheesy, either, like other shows could be when handling this subject.
I give this show 5 out of 5!
Click to watch free online.

Thursday 7 April 2011


So today I youtubed Rebecca Black to see why Anton had said don't listen to her.
I almost died of laughter, it was so gay.
then I saw a comment saying the chorus sounded like the one from Justin Bieber's "Baby" and after almost 20minutes considering, I listened to the song to see.

What sucks is that I actually started mouthing the words to the chorus near the end of the song while concentrating on something else, and only ater did I realize my sin.


Wednesday 6 April 2011

Fateless/The Attic

Tonight I watched The Attic and Fateless, two holocaust films.

The Attic: The Hiding of Anne Frank is a 1988 TV film based on Miep Gies' book Anne Frank Remembered. The film tells the true story of Gies' struggle to keep the family hidden and safe, as the Nazis turn Amsterdam upside-down. (Based upon Gies' memoirs and Anne Frank's famous diary).

Fateless is the story of a Hungarian teenage boy who is sent to concentration camps at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Zeitz. It's apparently semi-autobiographal.

Both are really good if you like these sorts of films. The first one is English speaking and Pretty sad, while the second is Hungarian speaking, subbed in lots of languages (Including Swedish) and is possibly one of the saddest films I've ever seen.
I'd reccomend both films to anyone who enjoys Holocaust films.

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Preab San Ól

Not only is this my favorite poem ever written, but it's also my favorite Irish song.
It's a poem that's sung to a tune without any background music. This is the English translation, the original text was written in Irish.
I'm told that the English is a very loose translation, but a literal translation neither rhymes, nor fits the metre.

Preab San Ól
By Riocard Bairéad (Anglicised as Richard Barret)
Why spend your leisure bereft of pleasure,
Amassing treasure, why scrape and save?
Why look so canny at every penny?
You’ll take no money within the grave.
Landlords and gentry with all their plenty
Must still go empty where’er they’re bound.
So to my thinking, we’d best be drinking,
Our glasses clinking in round on round.

King Solomon’s glory, so famed in story,
Was far outshone by the lily’s guise.
But hard winds harden both field and garden;
Pleading for pardon, the lily dies.
Life’s but a bauble of toil and trouble,
The feathered arrow, once shot ne’er found.
So lads and lasses, because time passes,
Come fill your glasses for another round.

The huxter greedy he blinds the needy
Their straits unheeding, shouts, “money down!”
His special vice is his fancy prices,
For a florin’s value he’ll charge a crown.
With hump for trammel, the Scripture’s camel
Missed the needle’s eye and so came to ground.
Why pine for riches while still you’ve stitches
To hold your britches up — another round!

The schooner trading ‘tween Spain and Aden
Returns well laden with oil and corn.
And from Gibraltar her course she’ll alter
And steer for Malta and the Golden Horn.
With easy motion they sail life’s ocean
With ne’er a notion they’ll run aground.
It’s nought but miming, so ends my rhyming
And still we’ve time in for another round!

Superman/Wonder Woman joke

A stupid joke Amber told me that I know Jens will like.

Superman is flying over the city one day and looks down and sees Wonder Woman lying butt naked, spread eagle on a roof. He's always had a thing for her! He thinks, "I am faster than a speeding bullet! I can swoop down, do my thing and be gone before she ever know what hit her!". So, he does just that! Bam! Bam! Bam! and flies off.

Suddenly Wonder Woman says, "What the he'll was that?" and The Invisible man says, "I don't know, but it HURT!"

Monday 4 April 2011

TOK Poem

Ylva is the best Theory of Knowledge teacher EVAR.
Today in TOK we got a different sort of assignment - We were split into 5 groups, each with their own little project. We had to make something (within our theme) in 25 minutes, with the name "Spring"
Group 1 Music
Group 2 Theater
Group 3 Art
Group 4 Poetry
Group 5 Dance
I was in group 4. Here's the sonnet we wrote:

By Anton, chelsea, Luwam, Alice and Annelie
Shall I compare thee to a springday?
the winter has been for too long,
But April will soon break to may.
The birds, twittering, sing their song,

the shoots, newly broken out,
Now blooming in their glory.
The dew is lying all about;
The set of a beautiful love story.

Bathed in light, on grass we lie,
Basking together in the sun,
The rays work, the dew to dry
And soon we will, barefotted, run.

Now the spring is finally here
And the winter disappears.
The first line is taken from Shakespear's "Sonnet 18"


I officially know when I'm coming to England with Jens.
I'll be over from 20th July till 10th August.
Current "busy" dates;

28th July - 30th July: In Wales for my 18th
1st August: Cousin's birthday party
5th August: Late birthday bash with friends
(CLICK HERE to RSVP to the event on FB if you haven't already done so)

Other than that I have nothing planned so far, so hit me up if you want to meet up :)

Week 14

So week 14 has just started.
So far I've lost my buscard in the lining of my school bag, been praised for my strange new hair colour and had an argument in Biology about Global Warming.

Oh and I found out that it's only a week to go till I have to hand in my 1000 word EE draft. Eek!

Thursday 24 March 2011

Ode to spring

Ode To Spring
By Kitten

Ode to spring
Thou art welcome now

Monday 21 March 2011


I'm thinking of applying for a school trip to Shrewsbury. We have to write an application explaining what we can bring to the trip, as only 6 people can go, but I don't know if I'll be overlooked because of being English :/

Sunday 20 March 2011


I'm back on Vampirefreaks! Add me :)
Unfortunatly VF has been loading really slowly the last few hours, most of the time not loading at all, which is really frustrating. I don't know if it's just the 3 different computers I have tried (Har har) or if their server is down but either way.

I shall try again tomorrow ^^

Been cat-sitting at Bobby's this weekend. Roleplay on saturday with Tobbe, Puddi, Lanis, Jens, Gorm and Chains (though I was only there for the shits'n'giggles rather than the RP) but I still had lots of fun.
I even got to stroke Vader!

Roleplay at mine on wednesday when we have a Study day. Should be fun but will probably turn out crappy haha. We'll have to wait and see.

Peace out!

Sunday 16 January 2011

Extended Essay

Yet another hour ot two spent in front of the computer trying to start my Extended Essay but ending up stuck on Facebook... EVEN THOUGH NOTHING IS HAPPENING. Epic, tragic fail. Though I did manage to find a good PDF that explains what is needed in each part, so now it's just getting the plan together so I can start writing.

Here's the PDF:

Wednesday 12 January 2011

First Day of School

So, it was the first day of school yesterday. Great start! I woke up late, missed the bus and therefore my first lesson.
I do have to say, though, that it was amusing to read my classmates' Facebook statuses about how they had to hate gymbags to fit their school books in, or how they had to fight with their rucksacks to fit in the last folder, and there's me with a tiny little handbag, the contents of which were a Post-It block, a pencil, a rubber, Vaseline, two reading books, buscard and keys.

Hell yeah!