
Monday, 4 April 2011

TOK Poem

Ylva is the best Theory of Knowledge teacher EVAR.
Today in TOK we got a different sort of assignment - We were split into 5 groups, each with their own little project. We had to make something (within our theme) in 25 minutes, with the name "Spring"
Group 1 Music
Group 2 Theater
Group 3 Art
Group 4 Poetry
Group 5 Dance
I was in group 4. Here's the sonnet we wrote:

By Anton, chelsea, Luwam, Alice and Annelie
Shall I compare thee to a springday?
the winter has been for too long,
But April will soon break to may.
The birds, twittering, sing their song,

the shoots, newly broken out,
Now blooming in their glory.
The dew is lying all about;
The set of a beautiful love story.

Bathed in light, on grass we lie,
Basking together in the sun,
The rays work, the dew to dry
And soon we will, barefotted, run.

Now the spring is finally here
And the winter disappears.
The first line is taken from Shakespear's "Sonnet 18"

1 comment:

nanny rita said...

love your updated blog mouse especially your spring poem done at school, love you nanny xxxx